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Committee Meeting

A formal gathering of a designated group within an organization (committee) to discuss specific topics, make decisions, and collaborate on assigned tasks. Committee meetings focus on a predefined agenda and typically follow a structured format.

Key Participants:

  • Committee members: Appointed individuals with expertise or specific interests related to the committee’s focus.
  • Chair: Leads the meeting, ensures adherence to agenda, and facilitates discussions.
  • Secretary: Takes notes, documents decisions, and distributes minutes.
  • Guests: Experts, stakeholders, or others relevant to specific agenda items.


  • Discuss and analyze issues relevant to the committee’s mandate.
  • Develop solutions, recommendations, or reports for higher leadership.
  • Share information and diverse perspectives among committee members.
  • Make informed decisions through collective discussion and voting.


  • Call to order: The Chair officially begins the meeting.
  • Review of agenda: Members confirm agenda items and expected outcomes.
  • Discussion and presentations: Members discuss topics, raise questions, and provide input.
  • Motions and voting: Proposals are presented, debated, and voted upon as needed.
  • Action items: Tasks and responsibilities are assigned for follow-up.
  • Adjournment: The chair formally concludes the meeting.

Public Speaking Skills:

  • Clear and concise communication: Express ideas effectively, avoiding jargon and unnecessary complexity.
  • Active listening: Respond to others’ insights and respectfully acknowledge different viewpoints.
  • Convincing arguments: Effectively present your ideas and proposals, justifying your stance with evidence and logic.
  • Professionalism: Maintain respectful and decorous language throughout the discussion.

Professional Speaking Tips:

  • Prepare beforehand: Familiarize yourself with the agenda, relevant materials, and expected outcomes.
  • Actively participate: Share your expertise, ask relevant questions, and contribute meaningfully to discussions.
  • Be mindful of timing: Respect time constraints and avoid monopolizing the conversation.
  • Use non-verbal cues: Maintain eye contact, project confidence through body language, and avoid distracting gestures.
  • Seek feedback: After the meeting, reflect on your performance and seek constructive feedback for improvement.


Effective committee meetings rely on all participants’ public speaking skills and professional communication. By being prepared, actively engaged, and mindful of your presence, you can contribute to productive discussions and achieve the committee’s shared goals.

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